Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Giving at Thanksgiving

At iMontessori School this season, it was clear that the children and staff feel a genuine gratitude for all that we have. Because of our caring parents and teachers, we were able to have our very own feast at school. We filled our bellies beyond our needs and were joyful about the sharing between us. But throughout the month, we also collected non-perishable foods for Tender Heart Ministries, an organization that distributes food to the hungry over the holidays. Having the leaders of the Tender Heart discuss what the donated food means to those in greater need, was emotionally moving and motivational. I am so glad the children had this opportunity to give. A big THANKS to everyone who donated!

It Felt Good to Give to Others

There were smiles on the children's faces as they carried the donations to the trunk for Tender Heart Ministries. Physically bringing in the food from home and then physically giving the food away, provided a learning experience the children will surely remember.

The children and staff were overjoyed at this moment. Tears of joy were present, and it was confirmed for us, how good giving can feel.

Let's keep on giving throughout the year!

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Great iMontessori Feast Day 2013

Said Good Morning to Friends!

Applied Native American Face Paint

Constructed a Fruit-Feathered Turkey

Thanks Mrs. Mandy for the help!

Made Cranberry Sauce

1 cup sugar
juice of 3 small oranges

1 cup water
zest of the 3 small oranges

Then added a pound of whole cranberries. Cooked until cranberries softened.

*Note: The children who took part in making the cranberry sauce, generally had more interest in trying it with their meal. It was a bit too tart for them the day of the feast, but more children decided they liked it the following day.

We Set the Table

The Primary Class were the hosts of the Feast, so they were responsible for setting the table.

Didn't the children do a great job?

Joined for Circle Time

We joined together to read a fun Thanksgiving story.

Then we sang the Thanksgiving songs we learned.

"Mr. Turkey" and "Indian Corn"

It was a great time for a class photo!

Reenacted the Pilgrims Landing in Massachusetts

"Land Ho!"
We enjoyed some time outside before we ate. I found it so amazing that the children organized themselves to reenact the Pilgrim's voyage from England to the New Land.

The School Cooperated to Make a Super Feast

Thanks to Parents and Teachers we had such a yummy spread!

And We Feasted!

Great Memories Were Made!
So Much to Be Thankful For!