Saturday, September 7, 2013

Pumpkins, Grandparents, and Bugs. Oh My!

Some of us arrive at school before the sun comes up. But we get the opportunity to watch the sun rise! And yesterday morning was a beautiful time to enjoy a seat on our hand-painted Earth rock.

Picking Pumpkins 

We noticed that the pumpkins were definitely ready to be picked, for the vines had dried. It was pleasing to have grown a whole basket full of "calabazas"! While we were outside, we weeded the area as well, so now we are ready to discuss what should be planted in place of the pumpkins...

Celebrating Grandparents Day 


It was so special to have our Grandparents visit with us yesterday morning! Our "Nana's", "Papi's", "Baja's" (to name a few) play such important roles in our lives, it was important to take time to recognize our appreciation for the love and support they provide. We shared a healthy snack, presented the cards we made, and even showed off our classroom!

Searching for Bugs

Although some of us squirm at just the thought of bugs, most children are fascinated with them. In the last couple weeks, I noticed the children were often looking for bugs and were trying to catch them with their hands or sand toys. I realized I just had to provide them something they could use to catch and observe the variety of creatures we come across daily in our natural playscape. I took recyclable food jars I've been collecting and punched holes in the tops to allow for oxygen flow. We've been trying very hard not to hurt the bugs we see and agreed to return the bugs we catch to a safe place once we've gotten a closer look. The children love this hands-on learning and I love to watch how they work together throughout the whole process!!

P.S. So far we have "temporarily borrowed", a cricket and a worm, to observe.

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!

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